
Sunday 19 April 2015

scm interview questions


i) Briefly tell me about your self.
ii) What is svn.
iii)What is the rolles of svn.
iv)What is tag.
v)What is branch,repository.
vi)How can you merge and how do you that.
vii) What is working copy?
i)What is ci and why we use jenkins.
ii)How can you create a new job in jenkins?
iii)What is job in jenkins.
iv)What is your’s daily work in build and release engineer.
v)How many projects you have done.
i)Tell me about your self.
ii)What is deployment how can you do that
iii)Tell me different phases of deployment and explain each one
i)What about your self
ii)What is repository and structure of that
iii)What is trunk and difference between trunk and branch,tag
iv)How can you do merge
v)How can you move one branch to another tell me a command.
vi)How can you do commit in svn
vii)What is jenkins
Viii)What is slave in jenkins.
ix)Tell me about triggers in jenkins?
x)How can you do deploy and build in jenkins?
xi)which file you are release finally
i)What is ant
ii)How can you build in ant
iii)How can you do compile in ant
iv)Types of repository maintenance tolls you have done
v)You have experience with any packaging tools
i)What is branch, tag, trunk
ii)What is the purpose of  tag
iii)Types of plugins in jenkins
iv)How many types of plugins you are used
v)How can you design your’s own plugins in jenkins
vi)Purpose of jenkins and svn
i)What is the purpose of scm and functionalaties of scm
ii)How many types of plugins you are used in your’s project
iii)How many types of plugins are available in jenkins
iv)What is the purpose of plugins in jenkins
v)Difference between master and slave

Perforce Interview Questions

Some of the perforce commands which is not commonly used but useful.
p4 annotate - Print file lines along with their revisions.
e.g p4 annotate file.c

How to ignore files/folder in perforce workspace/client?
Assuming you have a client named "CLIENT", a directory named "foo" (located at your project root), and you wish to ignore all .dll files in that directory tree, you can add the following lines to your workspace view to accomplish this:

-//depot/foo/*.dll //CLIENT/foo/*.dll
-//depot/foo/.../*.dll //CLIENT/foo/.../*.dll

The first line removes them from the directory "foo" and the second line removes them from all sub directories. Now, when you 'Reconcile Offline Work...', all the .dll files will be moved into "Excluded Files" folders at the bottom of the folder diff display. They will be out of your way, but can still view and manipulate them if you really need to.

You can also do it another way, which will reduce your "Excluded Files" folder to just one, but you won't be able to manipulate any of the files it contains because the path will be corrupt (but if you just want them out of your way, it doesn't matter).

-//depot/foo.../*.dll //CLIENT/foo.../*.dll
How can I exclude a directory from a Perforce command?

Specify a file that contains a list of files to ignore when adding files to the depot and reconciling workspaces.

How to check last 10 submitted, pending, or shelved changelists that include any file under the project directory?
p4 changes -m 5 //depot/project/...

How to check last 10 submitted or pending, or shelved changelists that include any file under the project directory?
p4 changes -m 1 -s submitted | pending | shelved

Interview Questions Related to Perforce Admin

How to take perforce backup
How to restore perforce backup
How to verify health of the perforce repos database
What is the ise of p4 dbverify and p4 verify
What is the use of p4 admin commands.

The p4 admin command allows Perforce superusers to perform administrative tasks even when working from a different machine than the one running the shared Perforce service.
p4 [g-opts] admin checkpoint [ -z | -Z ] [ prefix ]
p4 [g-opts] admin journal [ -z ] [ prefix ]
p4 [g-opts] admin stop
p4 [g-opts] admin restart
p4 [g-opts] admin updatespecdepot [ -a | -s type ]
p4 [g-opts] admin resetpassword -a | -u user
Reference – Click here

How to remove files from perforce permanently?
p4 archive -p with caution. This is the one of only two commands in Perforce that actually removes file data. (The other command that removes file data is p4 obliterate.)

How to set properly in Perforce?
The Perforce service offers three ways of storing metadata: counters/keys, attributes, and properties.

If your application requires only the flat storage of simple key/value pairs, and attempts to implement no security model, use the p4 counters and p4 keys commands.

The p4 property command can be used by administrators to view and update property definitions stored in the Perforce service. The service does not use the property definitions; it provides this capability for other Perforce applications, such as P4V

If your application's metadata is associated with particular files, use p4 attribute.

If your application's metadata is not associated with files, and if you have a requirement to restrict its visibility to users, groups, and/or to control the precedence of multiple values using sequence numbers, use p4 property.

p4 property -n name -v value
p4 counter mycounter 123
p4 key mykey 12
p4 attribute -n name [ -v value ] files...

Perforce Interview Questions

1. System Level troubleshooting

a. RAM related issues
b. Disk Space related Issues
c. Disk I/O read write issues
d. Network Hardware issues
e. Mount issues
f. Too Many process running in the machine

2. Application Level troubleshooting

a. Application is not behaving properly. Hit to Application log file OR application server log file OR web server Log file and try to understand the issues.
b. zombie process issues – Find out if any as such process which is causing the system performance issues.
c. Application Log – depends on the application installed, this can be referred and make use of the experience with the project and troubleshoot.
d. Web Server Log – we can check http, tomcat log as well.
e. Application Server Log – We can see jboss, weblogic logs to see if the application server response/receive time is the issues for slowness.
f. Memory Leak of any application – This is one of well known issues in lunux based server due to bad application coding. Many times this can be resolved either by fixing the code or rebooting. But many other solutions are there to apply.

3. Dependent Services troubleshooting

a. SMTP Response time – SMTP server is not responding faster which is causing delay in response and queue up many processes.
b. Network issues – There are many System performance issues is dependent on network or service which is depends on the network.
c. Firewall related issues
d. Antivirus related issues

 Some of the useful commands for troubleshooting are..

1. df –k
2. du –sh

3. top
4. uptime
5. ps –eaf | grep
6. vmstat
7. ping
8. tail –f <logfile>
9. iostat
11.kill -9
14.ifconfig eth0 | enable | disable
16.netstat -r

   There are various options available for each commands and depends on the need during the troubleshooting, right commands can be applied. To find arguments and their explanation, I usually refer rather than man page.

linuxbuildserver System Level troubleshooting Application Level troubleshooting Dependent Services troubleshooting
Interview Questions and Answer for Perforce Version Control Tool
Some of the perforce commands which is not commonly used but useful.
p4 annotate - Print file lines along with their revisions.
e.g p4 annotate file.c

How to ignore files/folder in perforce workspace/client?
Assuming you have a client named "CLIENT", a directory named "foo" (located at your project root), and you wish to ignore all .dll files in that directory tree, you can add the following lines to your workspace view to accomplish this:

-//depot/foo/*.dll //CLIENT/foo/*.dll
-//depot/foo/.../*.dll //CLIENT/foo/.../*.dll

The first line removes them from the directory "foo" and the second line removes them from all sub directories. Now, when you 'Reconcile Offline Work...', all the .dll files will be moved into "Excluded Files" folders at the bottom of the folder diff display. They will be out of your way, but can still view and manipulate them if you really need to.

You can also do it another way, which will reduce your "Excluded Files" folder to just one, but you won't be able to manipulate any of the files it contains because the path will be corrupt (but if you just want them out of your way, it doesn't matter).

-//depot/foo.../*.dll //CLIENT/foo.../*.dll
How can I exclude a directory from a Perforce command?

Specify a file that contains a list of files to ignore when adding files to the depot and reconciling workspaces.

How to check last 10 submitted, pending, or shelved changelists that include any file under the project directory?
p4 changes -m 5 //depot/project/...

How to check last 10 submitted or pending, or shelved changelists that include any file under the project directory?
p4 changes -m 1 -s submitted | pending | shelved

Interview Questions Related to Perforce Admin

How to take perforce backup
How to restore perforce backup
How to verify health of the perforce repos database
What is the ise of p4 dbverify and p4 verify
What is the use of p4 admin commands.

The p4 admin command allows Perforce superusers to perform administrative tasks even when working from a different machine than the one running the shared Perforce service.
p4 [g-opts] admin checkpoint [ -z | -Z ] [ prefix ]
p4 [g-opts] admin journal [ -z ] [ prefix ]
p4 [g-opts] admin stop
p4 [g-opts] admin restart
p4 [g-opts] admin updatespecdepot [ -a | -s type ]
p4 [g-opts] admin resetpassword -a | -u user
Reference – Click here

How to remove files from perforce permanently?
p4 archive -p with caution. This is the one of only two commands in Perforce that actually removes file data. (The other command that removes file data is p4 obliterate.)

How to set properly in Perforce?
The Perforce service offers three ways of storing metadata: counters/keys, attributes, and properties.

If your application requires only the flat storage of simple key/value pairs, and attempts to implement no security model, use the p4 counters and p4 keys commands.

The p4 property command can be used by administrators to view and update property definitions stored in the Perforce service. The service does not use the property definitions; it provides this capability for other Perforce applications, such as P4V

If your application's metadata is associated with particular files, use p4 attribute.

If your application's metadata is not associated with files, and if you have a requirement to restrict its visibility to users, groups, and/or to control the precedence of multiple values using sequence numbers, use p4 property.

p4 property -n name -v value
p4 counter mycounter 123
p4 key mykey 12
p4 attribute -n name [ -v value ] files...